ALCFES Congrès 2021 State Board Officers
Mallory Louque - PrésidenteJe m'appelle Mallory Louque et j'étudie la théologie et les études religieuses à l'Université Catholique d'Amérique. J'ai pris des cours de français au lycée et j'ai adoré participer a l'ALCFES. J'ai hâte que plus d'étudiants de Louisiane profitent d'une opportunité aussi spéciale.
My name is Mallory Louque, and I am studying Theology and Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America. I took French classes all throughout high school and loved being a part of ALCFES. I cannot wait for more Louisiana students to take part of such a special opportunity. |
Kylie Brister - Vice Présidente
Ashe Spears - Secrétaire
Je m'appelle Ashe Spears. J'étais en français III à Liberty High School et j'ai l'intention d'étudier le français à l'universite. J'aime apprendre des langues étrangères, cuisiner et dessiner. J'aime voyager pendant mon temps libre.
My name is Ashe Spears. I was in French III H at Liberty High School and plan to study French in college. I enjoy learning foreign languages, cooking, and quick sketching. I like to travel in my free time.
My name is Ashe Spears. I was in French III H at Liberty High School and plan to study French in college. I enjoy learning foreign languages, cooking, and quick sketching. I like to travel in my free time.